Fabuloso Recall - What Cleaner do you use?

Fabuloso Recall - What Cleaner do you use?
In February 2023, 4.9 million bottles of the popular cleaner Fabuloso were recalled by the Colgate-Palmolive company over bacteria risk in the U.S. and Canada.  The full article can be found in the link below:

OK, so a lot of products are recalled....so.....why is this one important?

What caught my eye are two things:

1.  A preservative was not added to the manufacturing process which led to the risk of bacteria growth.  They did not disclose what the preservative they forgot was! Hmmmmm.
2.  The bacteria could be inhaled or entered through the eyes or a break in the skin which can pose a risk of serious infection to those with weakened immune systems, external medical devices, or underlying lung conditions.

Did you catch that?    Weakened immune systems?

So my question is why in the world would you use a cleaner that adds preservatives in the first place that could weaken your immune system?   

I certainly don't!

I don't have to worry about such things happening because I only use one cleaner for my whole house - Thieves Household Cleaner.   This household cleaner does not contain any preservatives and there is no label saying I have to call POISON CONTROL if ingested!  Clean...it's natural...and it works....for the whole house.  

Cleans floors, counters, glass, toilets, sinks, and even tires!

So, if you are not using Thieves Household Cleaner....consider ditching your Fabuloso or any other cleaner immediately!   Your health will thank you!

Over 30 Diffuser - Kitchen - DYI Recipes to Try

Over 30 Diffuser - Kitchen - DYI Recipes to Try
Hi everyone,

I am trying something different in this blog!   Instead of me telling you about something.....this time I am going to give you something!   I have compiled over 30 different diffuser, kitchen, and DIY recipes to try using the Young Living products you have right now!

Let me know which one is your favorite:

Diffuser Recipies

Kitchen Recipies

DIY Recipies

I know this is a lot, but I don't know which ones resonate with you.  If you see a recipe but don't have all of the ingredients, place an order to get the missing link and try it!  Place an Order

Let me know which one is your favorite!

45 Years of Marriage - Must be doing something right!

45 Years of Marriage - Must be doing something right!
This blog post has nothing to do with Young Living....but has everything to do with living!    My wife and I recently celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary and I just read an article from thegrandseason.com that resonated with me and hopefully with you!

The article "Small Things - Little Things Go a Long Way" listed 30 small acts of kindness to inspire your significant other.  When we think of random acts of kindness, we usually think about how to brighten a stranger's day.  But little acts of kindness can go a long way in helping us create a stronger marriage too!

It's easy to let life get in the way and slowly erode our relationships.  We start to take our spouses for granted because they don't demand our time and attention as other responsibilities do.  But just as small, seemingly insignificant things can break down our bond, the right ones can help us create a stronger marriage!

 I am guilty of taking for granted the things my wife does for me, so I will start to implement as many of these "acts of kindness" as I can so my marriage lasts another 45 years!

This list is for both men and women....after all, marriage is a two-way street right". 

Here is the list:

1.  Draw a heart on the steamy bathroom mirror while your spouse is in the shower
2.  Get up early and make breakfast for your husband or wife
3.  Clean your wife's car
4.  Tell your spouse something you appreciate about him/her
5.  Call your spouse unexpectedly during the day just to say "I love you"
6.  Give your spouse a scalp massage
7.  Watch your husband's favorite show or sporting event with him
8.  Arrange a guy's night out for your husband
9.  Surprise your spouse with a warm towel as he/she  finishes his/her shower
10. Create a playlist of songs you and your spouse enjoyed listening to when you were dating
11. Make a list of all the things you love about your wife/husband and leave it on the pillow
12. As your wife about her day and listen with interest
13. Make lunch for your wife
14. Do one of your husband's chores for him
15. Leave a Post-it-note on the steering wheel with a nice message
16. Tell your wife something you admire about her
17. Give your wife a neck massage
18. Read a book your wife has recently read and discuss it with her
19. Get ready as if you're going out for a party, just to greet your spouse at the end of a long day
20. Surprise your spouse with a small gift ' just because"
21. Tell your spouse your favorite memory of the two of you together
22. Prepare your husband's favorite dinner
23. Compliment your spouse
24. Hide a love note in your spouse's wallet/purse
25. Give your spouse a back rub before bed
26. Help your husband with a project he is working on
27. Print photos of you and your spouse and place them around a bedroom or bathroom mirror
28. Give your spouse a hand or foot massage
29. Text or email your wife throughout the day to let her know you are thinking of her
30. Plan a date or getaway with your spouse

-->. So....how many of these do you already do?  If you are doing some, you are ahead of the game, but I challenge you to step up your game!


Back to Eggs I Guess: Another Bad Chemical in My Cereal?

Back to Eggs I Guess:  Another Bad Chemical in My Cereal?
On January 30th, I posted a blog article " Weed Killer in my Cereal" see blog post here.  That article talked about how the weed killer Roundup ended up in over 21 cereals!   Needless to say, my craving for cereal was dampened quite a bit!

Just as I thought I would be safe in avoiding a weed killer in my cereal, ANOTHER bad chemical has been found in oat-based products....."Chlormequat".     The Environmental Working Group (EWG), which I refer to quite often, found an additional dangerous agricultural chemical contained in oat cereals.

I will take components of the EWG research in this blog post, but if you want to read all of the scientific stuff, see the link below:

  • EWG commissioned lab tests of 14 popular oat-based kinds of cereal, granola, and other everyday products and found concerning amounts of the chemical chlormequat.
  • Chlormequat exposure in animal studies has caused a host of reproductive and other health problems, suggesting the potential for harm to human health.
  • Unless and until federal regulators act to get chlormequat out of our food, buying organic can help reduce your potential exposure to the chemical.
A new EWG investigation finds for the first time troubling concentrations of the toxic agricultural chemical chlormequat in oat-based products sold in the U.S., including everyday brands marketed to adults and children. The chemical may be harmful to human health.

Chlormequat was discovered in all but one of 13 non-organic oat-based kinds of cereal, granola, and other products in EWG-commissioned tests conducted by an independent laboratory. Eleven products contained chlormequat levels higher than the amount we think is safe for children’s health, and one sample contained exactly that amount. 

What is Chlormequat

Chlormequat is a type of chemical that alters plant growth in a variety of ways. It’s applied to oat and grain crops while they’re growing to stop them from bending over since that can make harvesting difficult. 

Really:   I guess these farmers are not concerned with our health!

Studies of animals exposed to the chemical show it can disrupt fetal growth and harm the reproductive system. These harms raise concerns about how chlormequat might pose dangers for human health, especially for children, because exposures during early life can lead to health harm later on.

Chlorinequat is approved for agricultural commercial use on ornamental plants only – not on oats or any other food products grown in the U.S. But imported oats can have chlormequat residue in them, which is how they end up in the food we eat.

The Health Effects on Animals

EPA approval of especially high levels of chlormequat in imported oats raises alarm because of the studies showing the chemical’s connection to developmental and reproductive toxicity in animals and risks for humans.

Studies published in the past several years showed that exposure to chlormequat in laboratory animals disrupts fetal growth, changing the development of the head and bones and altering key metabolic processes. Other studies of laboratory animals found that chlormequat exposure during pregnancy could delay development during puberty and cause changes in sperm motility later in life. Another study found chlormequat could decrease the amount of testosterone produced.

The fact EWG are finding increasing amounts of chlormequat in U.S. food is further cause for concern, given its acute toxicity and severe poisoning AND death reportedly cause by chlormequat ingestion --eerily similar to the weedkiller Roundup!

An Alternative
As mentioned in the January post, the best cereal alternative and one you can trust to not have any harmful chemicals is: Young Living Einkorn Cereal 

Einkorn Flakes Cereal is the ideal way to fuel up for a busy day. It’s crafted with einkorn grain, which is an ancient whole grain that contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than modern hybridized wheat. With a delicious taste and 25 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of protein in every serving, Einkorn Flakes Cereal is a nutrient-dense breakfast the whole family will enjoy.


So why do I recommend Einkorn cereal?  Below are the reasons WHY  ……
  •         Great natural taste*
  •         25 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of protein in every serving* 
  •         Low in fat, with no trans-fat*
  •        Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain some type of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of heart disease, a disease associated with many factors *
  •         Contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than today’s wheat because of its unique genetic code 
  •          Einkorn grain does not contain the same protein structure that is found in other types of grain and may be a good alternative for those who are sensitive to modern grain

In Summary
So how does the cereal get “glyphosate” or "chlormequat" in the first place? Think about it!  
If the farmer uses an herbicide to control weeds on the ground or wants the wheat to stand at attention, then the wheat stock can absorb those chemicals. The company makes the cereal with contaminated wheat, with no regard for your health!
If you are willing to “Ditch and Switch” to a healthy cereal, try Young Livings Einkorn cereal.  Young Living also makes wheat spaghetti, wheat flour, and other wholesome products.  
If you would like to order the Einkorn cereal or other Einkorn products, visit my website below and set up an account to order:  

Weed Killer in my Cereal?

Weed Killer in my Cereal?
Have you ever wondered while walking down the cereal aisle in your favorite grocery store, you may be looking at food with weed killer in them? Would you buy them?  NOT ME!
I certainly didn’t realize this fact until I read an article from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), originally published in 2019.  However, recent tests by EWG still found the chemical “glyphosate”, an ingredient in  Roundup, still present in 2023!  So, no progress has been made to rid wheat of this herbicide!
I must admit, this article scared me quite a bit, but just think of all those kiddos these cereals are being targeted to!  Do the parents realize what is in these cereal products?   I won’t disclose the names of all cereals that contain “Roundup, but I will never look at Cheerios the same again.  However, the article does name them!  
 To read the full article which lists the actual cereals they tested, click the link below:

What is Glyphosate?

If you “Google” search glyphosate, then here is what it says:
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that has been associated with several health and environmental risks.  In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a probable human carcinogen, based on evidence linking it to an increased risk of cancer. particularly non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Additionally, glyphosate has been linked to various other health problems, including kidney and liver damage, birth defects, and reproductive issues. Studies have also shown that the chemical can disrupt the endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalances and other health problems.
Furthermore, glyphosate is highly persistent in the environment and can persist in soil and water for many years. This can lead to long-term contamination of food and water supplies, which can pose a risk to both humans and wildlife. The widespread use of glyphosate has also led to the evolution of glyphosate-resistant weeds, which can be difficult to control and lead to increased use of more toxic chemicals. 
Additionally, glyphosate is toxic to beneficial insects, such as bees, which play a critical role in pollination and maintaining ecosystem balance. All these factors contribute to the growing concerns about the dangers of glyphosate and the need for alternative, safer methods of weed control. 
 OK, WHO wants that in their cereal?   

How do I know if the Cereal is safe?

How do I know if my cereal contains “glyphosate”?  Well, some of them are listed in the Nutritional Facts label or ingredients as shown below.  So it is VERY important to read any product label so you can make an informed decision!
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What is an Alternative?

If you like cereal as much as I do, then is there anything safe out there?  Have you heard of Einkorn wheat and specifically Einkorn cereal by Young Living? 
Einkorn is the most primitive form of wheat on Earth. It contains only 14 chromosomes, whereas modern wheat contains 42. Modem wheat is usually grown with synthetics to produce more crops,  Einkorn does not have the D chromosome, which seems to relate to wheat intolerance in many humans. Einkorn is easier to digest and contains more protein and anti-oxidants than modern wheat.

What is special about Einkorn wheat?

It is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than modern wheat. It is richer in carotenoids, B vitamins, and essential and trace minerals than modern wheat. It tastes excellent with a nutty flavor, silky texture, and buttery yellow color.
Text, whiteboardDescription automatically generatedEinkorn Flakes Cereal is the ideal way to fuel up for a busy day. It’s crafted with einkorn grain, which is an ancient whole grain that contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than modern hybridized wheat. With a delicious taste and 25 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of protein in every serving, Einkorn Flakes Cereal is a nutrient-dense breakfast the whole family will enjoy.


So why do I recommend Einkorn cereal?  Below are the reasons WHY  ……
  • Great natural taste*
  • 25 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of protein in every serving* 
  • Low in fat, with no trans-fat*
  • Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain some type of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of heart disease, a disease associated with many factors *
  • Contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than today’s wheat because of its unique genetic code 
  • Einkorn grain does not contain the same protein structure that is found in other types of grain and may be a good alternative for those who are sensitive to modern grain


Whole-grain einkorn flour, coconut sugar, Oat bran, Salt, Mixed tocopherols (Vitamin E)
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In Summary

So how does the cereal get “glyphosate” in the first place? Think about it!  
If the farmer uses an herbicide to control weeds on the ground, the wheat stock can absorb the herbicide. The company makes the cereal with contaminated wheat, with no regard for your health!
If you want to “Ditch and Switch” to a healthier cereal, try Young Livings Einkorn Cereal.  Young Living also makes Einkorn spaghetti, Einkorn flour, and other wholesome products.  
If you would like to order the Einkorn cereal or other Einkorn products, visit my website:  www.garyrathbun.com and set up an account to order!

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