Embracing Hope: Confronting Multiple Sclerosis Together

Embracing Hope: Confronting Multiple Sclerosis Together

I recently discovered an article about multiple sclerosis and how it affects the immune system.  I became very emotional because I have loved ones in my family who have, and who have succumbed, to this disease.  I felt it was important to share this information!  Please pass this blog along to anyone in your life who suffers from multiple sclerosis and give them hope for natural solutions besides pharmaceuticals.

Life has a curious way of presenting us with challenges we never anticipated.  This chronic and unpredictable autoimmune disease has affected the lives of our loved ones, reshaping our perspective on health, strength, and compassion. Today, I want to share our journey and explore natural ways, along with an incredible range of Young Living products, that have helped us navigate the difficult path of MS.

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis:

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, disrupting the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. The immune system mistakenly attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers, known as myelin. This damage leads to a range of symptoms that can vary from person to person, including fatigue, muscle weakness, difficulty with coordination, numbness or tingling, and cognitive impairment.

The Power of Natural Support:

While there is no cure for MS, we have learned that providing the body with natural support can significantly improve overall well-being and help manage the symptoms. Together with conventional treatments, incorporating Young Living products into our daily routines has been a game-changer in our journey.

1. Valor® Essential Oil Blend:

Valuable for its grounding and empowering properties, Valor® has provided emotional support to our loved ones as they navigate the challenges that come with MS. This blend promotes feelings of courage, strength, and balance, bringing a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

2. Copaiba Essential Oil:

Renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Copaiba essential oil has shown promising results in managing pain and inflammation associated with MS. We have witnessed its powerful calming effects on the body, promoting restful sleep and easing discomfort.

3. OmegaGize³™:

Rich in essential fatty acids and a potent blend of natural ingredients, OmegaGize³™ has become an integral part of our loved ones' wellness routine. This supplement provides vital support for cognitive health and a healthy inflammatory response, which is essential in managing the symptoms of MS.

4. NingXia Red®:

A delicious and nutrient-rich blend, NingXia Red® has become a staple for our family's overall wellness. Packed with powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and high-quality wolfberry puree, it supports immune function, promotes energy levels, and provides essential nutrients for the body.

5. Aroma Siez™ Essential Oil Blend:

Muscle tension and spasms are common symptoms experienced by those living with MS. Aroma Siez™, a relaxing and soothing essential oil blend, provides relief, relaxation, and comfort to tense muscles, helping to manage discomfort and promote a sense of calm.


While multiple sclerosis presents its fair share of challenges, we refuse to let it define us. Through the power of natural support and the incredible range of Young Living products, we have discovered a sense of hope and resilience. By incorporating these products into our daily routines, we have seen firsthand the positive impact they can have on our loved one's overall well-being.

Remember, each individual's journey with MS is unique, and it is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals in conjunction with exploring natural support. Together, we can support those affected by MS and inspire them to embrace a life brimming with hope, courage, and newfound strength.

If this blog article resonates with you, or someone you know, and would like to order the Young Living products mentioned, please visit my website garyrathbun.com, and learn how to set up a free account and have your order shipped directly to you or your friend's house.  

What a gift of love this would be during the holiday season!

Oregano Essential Oil - Who Knew?

Oregano Essential Oil - Who Knew?
Ok, I have to admit, I did not know a lot about Oregano essential Oil.  I thought it was just for food flavoring.....but BOY WAS I WRONG!

I recently read an article published by Epoch Times on 9/19 written by Joseph Mercola.  The title of the article was "This Herb Can Do Wonders for Your Immune System".!  The first section of the article grabbed my attention as to how much this oil can help your immune system!   As a sufferer of Rheumatoid Arthritis, I was amazed I could use Oregano to help with inflammation.   

WHO KNEW?   Well, I didn't so I want to share this article with you as well.   Below are just a few key points in Dr. Mercola's article!

Your immune system is a complex network responsible for defending your body against pathogens. Consider including this herb to fight the common cold and support your gut microbiome.


  • Oregano is an herb with a potent antioxidant capacity that not only is high in the phytonutrients carvacrol and thymol, but has one of the higher Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) measurements in the herb family
  • Oregano oil can be purchased as an essential oil.  Take care when purchasing oils since some manufacturers sell adulterated products.   THIS is where Young Living's "Seed to Seal" is very important!
  • The extract and essential oil can be used topically to help treat fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot or ringworm. Data show diluted oil can be used in wound care dressings to prevent infections and topically to treat pain and swelling
  • Oil of oregano is a popular treatment for the common cold and can be used to support beneficial bacteria in your small intestines by treating bacterial overgrowth and norovirus that triggers gastroenteritis
Oregano essential oils have been studied extensively as the plant and oil has a rich history in traditional medicine,[6] beginning in the Middle Ages when the leaves were chewed to help reduce the pain of rheumatism, toothache, and indigestion. The ancient Greeks used it to treat skin conditions and the herb was used in China for fever and upset stomach.
One lab analysis of the antioxidant ability of foods is called the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). The measurement was used to demonstrate that foods high in antioxidant capacity could help slow the process of aging in the brain and body.[9]
The U.S. Department of Agriculture[10] reported studies published in 1999 that showed high-ORAC foods could help prevent long-term memory loss, raise antioxidant serum levels, and protect capillaries in an animal model against oxygen damage.

Have You Considered Oil of Oregano for the Common Cold?

A few studies have evaluated the efficacy of oregano essential oil or oregano oil extract against upper respiratory infections. One 2019 study[21] looked at a blend of oregano, thyme and salvia oils against upper respiratory tract viruses, including adenovirus 5, rhinovirus, influenza and RSV. The blend showed strong antiviral activity against rhinovirus and two of the three strains of influenza.

Oregano Supports Your GI Tract

Your immune system is largely supported by the beneficial bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, referred to as your gut microbiome. Oregano oil can have an impact on supporting your gut microbiome and treating bacterial overgrowth.
Oregano oil and carvacrol are also active against bacterial agents in the kitchen that can lead to food poisoning. For example, another study[29] found oregano essential oil could remove staphylococcus aureus biofilms on stainless steel.
Finally, oregano oil also shows activity against small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This condition can develop after surgery, disease or medications have slowed the intestinal tract, which then sets up a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.[30] Excess harmful bacteria can cause malnutrition, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Oregano Oil Treats Several Skin Conditions

 Nearly 25% of all fungal infections worldwide are caused by dermatophytes.[35] Skin infections are difficult to treat and are growing resistant to conventional medications.
One study[36] published in 2020 evaluated the efficacy of a wide range of essential oils against Microsporum and Trichophyton, two common fungi responsible for athlete’s foot and ringworm. They found that of the 65 essential oils tested, oregano was in the top five most potent.
The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of oregano oil make it an option for treating acne and eczema.
Wound infections present a significant health care challenge, costing Medicare up to $96.8 billion every year.[40] One study[41] demonstrated that the combination of turmeric and oregano extracts may be an effective addition to wound care dressings for diabetics and non-diabetics. Using relatively low concentrations, it demonstrated antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
A second study[42] incorporated oregano essential oil into antimicrobial wound dressings and found concentrations of 5% inhibited all the tested strains of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, and E coli.

Pain and Swelling Respond to Oregano Oil

A chronic inflammatory response is a characteristic symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. By 2018, researchers[45] were looking at the effect carvacrol had on fibroblast-like synoviocytes, which play a role in the chronic inflammatory process found in rheumatoid arthritis.   Note:  This is what got my attention the most!
The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of oregano oil have made it a popular addition to skincare products. One study[46] looked at the biological activity in a human skin cell model and found evidence that suggests oregano essential oil not only is a promising candidate as an anti-inflammatory but one with anticancer properties as well.

Take Care When Choosing Your Oil

The essential oil is made from dried shoots and leaves and is extracted using steam distillation. The essential oil can then be mixed with carrier oil and used on the skin.  Take care to check the label to make sure it’s made by a trusted manufacturer  (queue Young Living) that sells pure, organic oils, as many “bargain” brands can be adulterated!   That is all Young Living does is sell pure 100% essential oils!
Clinical herbalist Michelle Lynde writes[49] that the ideal ratio when diluting oregano oil for topical use is one part oregano oil to three parts carrier oil. A few drops of essential oil can also be added to a vaporizer or diffuser to help relieve the symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and coughs.

Oregano essential oil is one of the most powerful and versatile antioxidant essential oils. It may help stimulate the immune and digestive systems, strengthen the energy centers of the body, and enhance the flavor of food.*


If you thought Oregano oil was just used for cooking as I did, you are missing out on what it can do for you. Now I do warn you, the smell can lead people to think you had pasta all day long.    But really,   I can't do without it!  

If you want to order a bottle of Young Livings Oregano, the retail cost is about $42 for a 15ml bottle.  However, I can show you how to get 25% off (about $32) by becoming a Loyalty member of Young Living.   

Interested?    Visit my website:  www.garyrathbun.com to learn how.   Or just get in touch with me and I will walk you through the process!

9 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

9 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the Morning
This is a repost of an article by GreenMedInfo on February 24, 2022.   I found it fascinating about how many ways "Lemon" can support your health....and taste good too!  Do restaurants know about all of these benefits or do they just offer Lemon to augment the taste of water or tea?

Not too often though do we carry a Lemon in our wallet or purse, so the best way I found to have some "Lemon" around is to carry a small 5 ml bottle of pure lemon essential oil from Young Living.  Easier to carry and a convenient way of having "Lemon" available when you are out and about!

Think of using Lemon all the time...not just in the morning!

Here is the article:

Did you know that lemons have more potassium than apples or grapes? This interesting fact is just one of the many reasons why drinking lemon juice every morning can impact your health.

Starting your day with lemon juice is an excellent way to boost vitality, increase energy and cleanse out your system. The first thing you put in your body each day can have a big impact on your productivity and mood.

That’s why it’s recommended to start the day with a warm jar of lemon water. You can use anywhere from one-half to a whole lemon each morning. 

Note:  for the Lemon Essential oil - just 2 drops does the same as a whole lemon

1. Boosts Your Immune System

Since lemon juice is filled with vitamin C, it provides a natural and powerful source of immune health. When you are tired, stressed or overworked Vitamin C levels are the first to go down.

2. Supports Digestion

In addition to supporting healthy digestion, lemon juice helps rid the intestinal tract of toxins. Lemons are filled with vitamins and minerals which help to alleviate things like heartburn and bloating.

3. Cleans Out Your System

Lemon juice is packed with powerful vitamins and minerals that flush harmful toxins from your system.

4. Decreases Inflammation

Much disease stems from inflammation and drinking lemon juice frequently helps reduce the acidity in your body and thus decreasing inflammation.

5. Helps Improve Weight Loss

Lemon juice contains a lot of pectin fiber which helps fight hunger cravings.

6. Clears Up Your Skin

Because lemon juice is high in antioxidants the Vitamin C helps to decrease blemishes and wrinkles. The overall detoxifying nature of lemons also contributes to clear skin.

7. Helps Fight Infections

A glass of warm lemon water is perfect to help fight off infections. Not only does it boost your immune system it helps to prevent things like sore throats brought on by viral infections.

8. Gives You an Energy Boost

As lemon juice improves digestion it provides your body with an energy boost when it enters your digestive tract.

9. Excellent Source of Potassium

Potassium is important for brain, nerve, and heart health and lemon juice is filled with it.

Add lemon water to your daily routine to start the day with a detoxifying and refreshing warm drink. You won’t regret incorporating this powerful anti-inflammatory beverage into your life. Trust us.

Don't have Lemon essential oil to carry in your purse?   Visit my website:  www.garyrathbun.com and clikc the "SHOP" button to get started!