Health - Myth Busters

Health - Myth Busters
Have you heard any of these statements?  Are they try or myths?
  • If you swallow gum, it will sit in your body for seven years before you can digest it.
  • When a jellyfish stings you, the first thing you should do is pee on the injury to neutralize the sting.
  • Sitting too close to the TV can ruin your eyes.
At some point, you have probably heard these statements, and others like them.  Is there any merit to these wives’ tales, or are they merely stories passed down from generation to generation?  
Now let’s look at some health statements and can you guess if they are true or myths?
  • Coffee Dehydrates you!
Caffeine is a mild diuretic, meaning it can stimulate your body to produce extra urine.  However, research shows the liquid in coffee counteracts any dehydration effects.  
  • Gargling with salt water cures a sore throat.
Saltwater is a soothing solution that balances the fluid in the back of your throat and the mucous membranes.  Mix a couple of tablespoons of salt in a moderate to a large glass of water – preferably warm, which is closer to your body temperature and more soothing – and gargle with that at the first sign of a sore throat.
  • Everyone should take a daily multivitamin.
Studies by the U.S Prevention Services Task Force found NO convincing evidence that multivitamins have any benefit for non-pregnant adults.  They say you will get much more bang for your buck if you eat a healthful diet with plenty of fruits and different vegetables. 
MYTH – Kind of
If you don’t have a healthy diet, then taking multivitamins is one way of getting the vitamins you need.  Your normal diet may have some vitamin deficiencies so you will need to evaluate what vitamins are lacking and take the recommended dosages. 
  • You need 10,000 steps a day to boost your longevity.
Most research shows that as few as 6,000 steps a day can do it.  One study found that adults 60 and older who clocked 6,000 to 8,000 steps daily had a 50-60% lower chance of death.

  • If it’s an actual heart attack, you will have chest pain.
About 42% of women and 31% of men don’t have chest pain during a heart attack.  Other symptoms. Include shortness of breath, light-headedness, nausea, pain/discomfort in the back, neck, jaw, or one or both arms. 
  • Air hand dryers are more hygienic than paper towels.
They may save trees, but air hand dryers in public restrooms don’t remove germs as well as paper towels, according to research.  Even worse, they may spread germs around. One study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection found that airborne bacteria counts were 27 times higher where jet air dryers were used.
Did any of these myths surprise you?  They did for me!  Outside of the “Coffee” one, I thought they were all true.   I don’t drink coffee so that disqualified my answer! 
 Do you have any health myths you would like to share?   Post a myth and the real answer as a comment to this blog post.