Dirty Dozen Food Chemicals to Avoid

Dirty Dozen Food Chemicals to Avoid
Ok, I could not resist getting back to my blog articles that are intended to educate you on the dangerous world we live in and especially the dangerous chemicals our food producers use in our supposedly “clean” food supply!
The information in this blog is derived from the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) recent guide.   You can too, can subscribe to the EWG communications, it’s free!   
Our food should be nourishing and safe to eat……BUT
More than 10,000 chemicals are “allowed” in food sold in the U.S.  Some are direct additives, such as preservatives like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)  which are INTENTIONALLY added to processed food. Others are so-called indirect additives, like heavy metals, which contaminate the food during processing, storage, and packaging.
Almost 99% of food chemicals introduced since 2000 were greenlighted for use by food and chemical companies, rather than properly reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Many of these widely used chemicals are associated with major health harms, including increased risk of cancer, developmental harm, and hormone disruption.  
The list below is the worst dozen offenders on the market and should be avoided at all costs!

1.  Nitrates & Nitrites

Nitrates & Nitrites are preservatives used in cured meats.  Nitrites can form from nitrates and have been linked to stomach, esophageal, and possibly brain and thyroid cancers.

 2.  Potassium Bromate

Potassium bromate is a possible human carcinogen added to flour used in packaged baked goods.

 3.  Propyl Paraben

Propylparaben is a preservative used in pastries and some tortillas.  It causes developmental and reproductive harm.  

 4.  BHA

Butylated hydroxyanisole, tetter known as BHA, is a preservative used in cured meats and other foods. Multiple sources have identified it as a possible carcinogen. 

 5.  BHT

Butylated hydroxytoluene, called BHT, is a preservative found in cereals and other foods.  It’s a chemical cousin to BHA and is a possible human carcinogen.

6.  TBHQ

Tert-butylhydroquinone, or TBHQ is a preservative used in Pop-Tarts and other processed foods.  It may harm the immune system and weaken the effectiveness of vaccines.  

 7.  Titanium Dioxide

Titanium Dioxide is a color additive used primarily on candy!  This was featured in my “No More Skittles blog article.  It may damage DNA!

 8.  BVO

Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, is used to stabilize citrus flavors in sodas and fruity drinks.  It can cause neurological harm. 

 9.  PFAS

The toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl “forever chemicals” are used in food packaging and are known to leach into the food itself.  They increase the risk of cancer and damage the immune and reproductive systems, among many other health harms.

 10.  Artificial Colors

Synthetic food dye can be found in many types of food and beverages.  They can affect development and cause behavioral difficulties in children.  There are seven especially concerning:
      • Red 3
      • Red 40
      • Yellow 5
      • Yellow 6
      • Blue 1
      • Blue 2
      • Green 3

11.  Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, like Splenda and SweetnLow, can affect the hormones that regulate metabolism and have a negative effect on weight control.

 12.  Heavy Metals

Many baby foods contain dangerous levels of heavy metals, including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic.  Exposure can slow growth and development, increase cancer risk and lead to behavioral and learning difficulties.  Most metals get into food through water and soil pollution.  

How to avoid

What is the best way to prevent consuming these food chemicals...READ THE FOOD LABELS!  
These substances end up in what we eat, thanks to a LEGAL loophole that allows foods to be classified as “generally recognized as safe”.  It’s a loophole food and chemical companies have exploited for decades – it means that instead of the FDA determining which food chemicals are safe to consume, the manufacturers of those substances decide! 
That can leave consumers struggling to know what’s safe for their families!  
Now you know what to avoid…..so you are armed to do just that!

Who Am I - A Short Glimpse of Me

Who Am I - A Short Glimpse of Me
This blog is a sharp deviation from the “show and scares” articles I have done in the past.  Someone came to me the other day and asked who I was and what did I do.  That conversation led me to think: “Have I introduced myself to those that read my blog on my website or those that follow me on Instagram or Facebook”?
So, I decided to answer that question by letting YOU get to know me better.   Here it goes!

Quick Intro

I am an authentic old-school, laid-back family man, but don’t call me “Gramps” just yet, as I still am young at heart!

I love educating people, like yourself, on how to live a cleaner and healthier life using natural plant-based products…..at the same time earning an income from just sharing how they have had an impact on my life!  

If you were to meet me at the grocery or hardware store,  I most likely would have the grandkids with me, pushing around one of those hard-to-maneuver carts, and would greet you as if we were long-time buddies….firm handshake and all!     

My Family

My family consists of my beautiful bride of 45+ years, a daughter, and a son.  My daughter and son have two kids of their own, so my wife and I have four grandchildren ages ranging from 13 to 4.  One in preschool and one in middle school.   
A little bit of symmetry is in play also. In all cases, our kids and grandkids follow the same pattern….girl first and boy second!  So what that really means is that our family is done having kids with the girl & boy mix being satisfied!
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Random Facts About Me

  • First Concert:  The “Doobie Brothers” at the Bakersfield Raceway in California
  • Favorite Food:  BBQ Ribs
  • Favorite Pastime:  Going to any baseball game or reading a bedtime story with my youngest grandkids. 
  • Favorite Musical Group:  Blackberry Smoke 
  • Most Admired Person:  My Dad
  • Most Famous Person I Have Met:  
    1. Sports:  Brooks Robinson or Tim Duncan
    2. Network Marketing:  Eric Worre or Frazer Brooks
  • An interesting factoid:  My son and I received our Master's Degrees from the same university and walked across the graduation ceremony stage at the same time.

My Passions

My heritage is German and English, with a little Scottish thrown in, so my demeanor is calm and stoic…but I do have several passions that will get me talking for hours on end!  Here are some of them: 

  • My wife of 45+ years is my main passion and will always be my #1 priority!
  • Being with my family.  Having four grandkids keeps me on my toes and they challenge me all the time.   Their ages range from 13 to 4, so my challenges come from a wide range of  “life” conversations...from the  “Why” conversations, ballet recitals, baseball games, and playing with dinosaurs.   
  • Traveling in general!  My wife and I have visited over 35+ countries throughout the world and have been to over 30 states in the U.S.  My wife and I have taken over 16 cruises and look forward to many more in the future!
  • Collecting sports memorabilia.  Everything from baseballs, footballs, mini and full helmets, and a vast array of trading cards I started when I was a kid!   My wife rolls her eyes when I come home with another autographed baseball or football….but I roll my eyes when she comes home with another purse or shoes…..so there!
  • I love to teach or educate people on different topics…. whether about sports, traveling tips, or living a better natural life.  Challenge me on a topic and I will research the hell out of it!  Knowledge is king!

My Worries

These are just a few things that I worry about, for me, my kids, and my grandkids.  I’m curious if you have the same concerns I do.   They are not in any order of importance, and sometimes one or more of them keep me up at night.  Some, you might think, are questions vs. worries, but they are similar to me!
  • What kind of legacy will I have built for my kids and grandkids?
  • Will I have enough money saved to enjoy retirement?
  • What income will I have “after” I retire from my current corporate job?
  • How much traveling will we be able to do and where should we go next?
  • What can I do to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can?
 There are many others, but these are the main ones.  Do any of these resonate with you as well?   

Why I Started a Young Living Business

I love educating people, like yourself, on how to live a cleaner and healthier life using natural plant-based products…..at the same time earning an income from just sharing how they have had an impact on my life!  Back in my day (baby boomer generation) life was kind of planned out for most people...like the following train of thought:  
I grew up in an era….and was taught by my parents to:
  1. Get an education.
  2. Get a good job.
  3. Work 40 hours a week for 50 weeks and 40 years.
  4. Build a nest egg and retire.
So, I did just that but had an uneasy feeling I would have to work far longer than 40 years 
You see I had a yearning to enjoy traveling with my wife and see the world, and visit the grandkids whenever I want but I was tied to my corporate job….AND they required PERMISSION to take time off.  
I vividly remember when I wanted to go on a trip over 15 days and was denied.  That made me angry, unappreciated, and trapped in “Jail” without a key!  THERE HAS GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY!
My daughter-in-law told me about an opportunity she discovered that provided a solution for her and her enthusiasm and excitement were through the roof!   I had to look!
Was this the key I had been looking for?
I investigated this opportunity, and it was unbelievable, my mouth dropped, and I WAS HOOKED!
Dancing in my head were visions of:
  • Time Independence  
  • Financial Independence 
  • Traveling the world….continued
My Answer was:  Yes, YES, and Hell YES
I jumped on that Train as fast as I could!    Now I have a Key and am excited to take this wonderful journey!  I am willing to share my story with others so they can find their Key!  

That it....Just Me

Know you know a few things about me you may have not known before and realize I‘m just like you!   
Drop me a line if this resonates with you!


Kicking Skittles Out of the Rainbow!

Kicking Skittles Out of the Rainbow!
I love to eat Skittles…a lot, but recently heard that Skittles contains a potential carcinogen called “titanium dioxide” so I decided to put my Skittles down and do some research about the ingredients of Skittles.
You see I just enjoyed the taste and ASSUMED because they are candy, they’re somewhat safe to eat in moderation.  After all the FDA did not ban them, right?
Well after doing this research, I have now decided to kick “Skittles Out of the Rainbow….a sarcastic nod to their advertising campaign.
Here is why…using a Question & Answer format!
1.  What is the toxin and potential carcinogen found in Skittles?
Skittles contain several additives, such as hydrogenated vegetable oil, which can increase the risk of heart disease, and titanium dioxide, which can potentially cause damage to intestinal cells and negative effects on the immune system.

2.  What is Titanium Dioxide and what products can you find it in?
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is a naturally occurring mineral in rocks and soil. It's widely used in a variety of industries, including paints, cosmetics, and food. In food, it's used as a whitening agent to enhance the appearance of certain products, such as candies, cake icing, and sauces.
Other examples of foods that may contain titanium dioxide:
Candy: Candy coatings are often made shiny and colorful by adding titanium dioxide.
Gum: Many types of chewing gum contain titanium dioxide.
Baked goods: Titanium dioxide is frequently added to baked goods like bread and pastries to enhance their texture and appearance.
Dairy products: Titanium dioxide is sometimes used as a whitening agent in some types of yogurts, cheese, and low-fat milk.
Condiments: Titanium dioxide is sometimes used to add creaminess to sauces, such as mayonnaise and salad dressing.
3.  What are the dangers of Titanium Dioxide?
Some of the potential dangers associated with consuming titanium dioxide are:
  • Oxidative Stress: Studies have shown that titanium dioxide can cause oxidative stress in the body.  This means there are too many unstable molecules called free radicals in the body and not enough antioxidants to get rid of them This can lead to cell damage, inflammation, and chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Intestinal Cell Damage:  Studies have found that titanium dioxide nanoparticles can damage the cells lining the intestine, disrupting the intestinal barrier and potentially causing inflammation and other health issues.
  • Negative Effects on the Immune System: Exposure to titanium dioxide has been linked to changes in the immune system, such as decreased activity of immune cells and increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokine is a type of protein that is made by certain immune and non-immune cells and influences the immune system to help fight cancers, infections, and other diseases. 
  • Potential Carcinogenicity: Some animal studies have suggested that titanium dioxide may be carcinogenic. 

4.  How do I know a product contains Titanium Dioxide…like Skittles? 
When manufacturers add titanium dioxide to foods and other ingestible products, it’s typically referred to as E171, which relates to food-grade purity.  While it’s always a good idea to check the label, just know that the FDA doesn’t require food makers to list titanium dioxide by name on an ingredient list. The agency makes this exception for several approved color additives. Instead, titanium dioxide could be listed as:
  • Artificial colors
  • Artificial color added
5.  What can I do to minimize the impact of Titanium Dioxide? 
Outside of total elimination, the main action item would be to “Read Ingredient Labels Carefully”!  Titanium dioxide (E171) may be listed as an ingredient in food products, so it's important to read labels carefully. Look for products that don't contain this additive or choose products that contain less of it.
6.  What else should lead me to kick Skittles out of the Rainbow?
Skittles is candy, right?  So, I would lump all candies as having a negative impact on your health because of:
  • High Sugar Content: Skittles are high in sugar, which can cause weight gain, increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.
  • Artificial Colorings: Skittles contain artificial colorings, such as Red 40, Yellow 6, and Blue 1, which have been linked to hyperactivity in children and may also cause allergic reactions in some people.
  • Dental Health: The high sugar content and acidity of Skittles can increase the risk of tooth decay and other dental problems.
  • Obesity: Eating Skittles frequently can lead to overconsumption of calories and contribute to obesity, which increases the risk of several health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
While titanium dioxide is a common additive found in many processed foods, there are concerns about its potential dangers, especially when consumed in large amounts. As a concerned parent, it's important to be aware of these dangers and take steps to reduce your family's exposure.
It is important to note that consuming Skittles in moderation is unlikely to cause significant harm. However, as with any food, overconsumption can lead to negative health effects. It's recommended to limit the intake of Skittles and other high-sugar, high-calorie foods and to maintain a balanced diet to support overall health.
So, even though it will be hard to do, I have decided to “Kick Skittles out of the Rainbow”! 
What would you do?
Research Resources:

Health - Myth Busters

Health - Myth Busters
Have you heard any of these statements?  Are they try or myths?
  • If you swallow gum, it will sit in your body for seven years before you can digest it.
  • When a jellyfish stings you, the first thing you should do is pee on the injury to neutralize the sting.
  • Sitting too close to the TV can ruin your eyes.
At some point, you have probably heard these statements, and others like them.  Is there any merit to these wives’ tales, or are they merely stories passed down from generation to generation?  
Now let’s look at some health statements and can you guess if they are true or myths?
  • Coffee Dehydrates you!
Caffeine is a mild diuretic, meaning it can stimulate your body to produce extra urine.  However, research shows the liquid in coffee counteracts any dehydration effects.  
  • Gargling with salt water cures a sore throat.
Saltwater is a soothing solution that balances the fluid in the back of your throat and the mucous membranes.  Mix a couple of tablespoons of salt in a moderate to a large glass of water – preferably warm, which is closer to your body temperature and more soothing – and gargle with that at the first sign of a sore throat.
  • Everyone should take a daily multivitamin.
Studies by the U.S Prevention Services Task Force found NO convincing evidence that multivitamins have any benefit for non-pregnant adults.  They say you will get much more bang for your buck if you eat a healthful diet with plenty of fruits and different vegetables. 
MYTH – Kind of
If you don’t have a healthy diet, then taking multivitamins is one way of getting the vitamins you need.  Your normal diet may have some vitamin deficiencies so you will need to evaluate what vitamins are lacking and take the recommended dosages. 
  • You need 10,000 steps a day to boost your longevity.
Most research shows that as few as 6,000 steps a day can do it.  One study found that adults 60 and older who clocked 6,000 to 8,000 steps daily had a 50-60% lower chance of death.

  • If it’s an actual heart attack, you will have chest pain.
About 42% of women and 31% of men don’t have chest pain during a heart attack.  Other symptoms. Include shortness of breath, light-headedness, nausea, pain/discomfort in the back, neck, jaw, or one or both arms. 
  • Air hand dryers are more hygienic than paper towels.
They may save trees, but air hand dryers in public restrooms don’t remove germs as well as paper towels, according to research.  Even worse, they may spread germs around. One study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection found that airborne bacteria counts were 27 times higher where jet air dryers were used.
Did any of these myths surprise you?  They did for me!  Outside of the “Coffee” one, I thought they were all true.   I don’t drink coffee so that disqualified my answer! 
 Do you have any health myths you would like to share?   Post a myth and the real answer as a comment to this blog post.  

Bits and Bites - Keeping Your Choppers

Bits and Bites - Keeping Your Choppers
You have heard the slogan “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”, but how do you keep the dentist at bay?   Yes, I am getting older and through the years I have had my share of cavities, fillings, crowns for broken teeth, and yes….the dreaded root canal!
But I still have all of my teeth (except the wisdom ones), and I want to keep my choppers as long as I can. So I started to research what things I can do to maintain my choppers!  Granted, most of these items are recommended by dentists, but do you know why they are being recommended?
Joke time:  
  • What do you get when you cross a dentist with a boat?     A tooth ferry!
  • What do you call a dentist in the Army?  A drill sergeant! 
Ok, all kidding aside, it is important, no matter your age, you take good care of your teeth and sustain your oral care routine.  For those who know me, there will be oral care products from Young Living that I will recommend….but for now, what are the items that comprise good health care?
  • Brush twice a day: Brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush or a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent damage to your gums and teeth.  Using an electric toothbrush with its micro-movements and the two-minute timer helps users remove plaque effectively and massages the gums to stimulate blood flow for gum health.  
Note:  Young Living does not have toothbrushes, so you are on your own here…but they DO HAVE toothpaste, and several of them….even for the kiddos!  They are:  
  Thieves® AromaBright™ Toothpaste brushes away buildup and helps support strong and healthy-looking teeth with all-natural ingredients that are gentle on teeth and enamel.

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 KidScents® Toothpaste’s gentle cleaning ingredients help fight plaque, clean children’s teeth, and remove buildup to support healthy-looking gums—all while remaining fluoride and SLS-free.

  • Floss daily:  Flossing daily is essential to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline.  Consider using a water flosser as it can remove plaque from under the gums where a toothbrush or floss cannot reach.
Note:  Use Young Living’s “Thieves” dental floss!

Description automatically generatedDouble infused with our signature Thieves premium essential oil blend, Thieves® Dental Floss is fray resistant and easily glides between teeth to help remove food particles and buildup.
  • Use mouthwash:  Using mouthwash after brushing and flossing can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, and helps remove plaque and gingivitis.  Using mouthwash regularly also helps freshen your breath.
Note:  Use Young Living’s “Thieves” mouthwash!
 Alcohol and fluoride-free, Thieves® Fresh Essence Plus™ Mouthwash cleans hard-to-reach areas of the teeth and gums for a whole-mouth clean.

SIDEBAR:    What the heck is gingivitis and why do you want to avoid it?
If too much plaque accumulates around the gum line and isn’t removed regularly, it causes an inflammatory and immune response such as gingivitis or worse periodontitis.  If gingivitis is left untreated, it can worsen and become periodontitis, a progression of an oral infection that causes PERMANENT damage through tissue, bone, and tooth loss!  Additionally, if the bacteria enters the bloodstream, it can pose serious health issues like – kidney disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, and thyroid disease!  
I certainly did not know your mouth can cause these health issues….Now I will pay more attention…right!
  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks:   Yes, this means start eliminating soft drinks!  Food and drinks that are high in sugar (especially fructose or corn syrup) and acid can erode tooth enamel and contribute to tooth decay. Limiting your intake of these types of food and drinks can help protect your teeth.
  • Quit smoking:  Smoking can cause a range of oral health problems, including bad breath, tooth discoloration, gum disease, and oral cancer. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your overall health, including your oral health. 
  • Visit your Dentist regularly:  I know, this is the part you don’t like but is necessary to keep your choppers intact!  Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help prevent and detect oral health problems early before they become more serious. It's recommended to visit your dentist at least twice a year.
Well, there you have 6 tips for keeping your Choppers as healthy as you can!  If this blog article was of value, hop on over to my website:  click here and signup for my free education center.  

By doing so, you will receive a freebie, for just entering your name and email as well as access to a plethora of health courses.  Additionally, you will receive my blog posts and monthly communications about maintaining and sustaining your health…NATURALLY! 
Plus:  if you would like to order any or all of the Young Living products mentioned in this article, visit my website and click "Place an Order" to get started.  Did I hear you say how can I save money?   If you will want to know how to receive 24% off of retail prices…send me a message and I will help you get started!   

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