Back to Eggs I Guess: Another Bad Chemical in My Cereal?

Back to Eggs I Guess:  Another Bad Chemical in My Cereal?
On January 30th, I posted a blog article " Weed Killer in my Cereal" see blog post here.  That article talked about how the weed killer Roundup ended up in over 21 cereals!   Needless to say, my craving for cereal was dampened quite a bit!

Just as I thought I would be safe in avoiding a weed killer in my cereal, ANOTHER bad chemical has been found in oat-based products....."Chlormequat".     The Environmental Working Group (EWG), which I refer to quite often, found an additional dangerous agricultural chemical contained in oat cereals.

I will take components of the EWG research in this blog post, but if you want to read all of the scientific stuff, see the link below:

  • EWG commissioned lab tests of 14 popular oat-based kinds of cereal, granola, and other everyday products and found concerning amounts of the chemical chlormequat.
  • Chlormequat exposure in animal studies has caused a host of reproductive and other health problems, suggesting the potential for harm to human health.
  • Unless and until federal regulators act to get chlormequat out of our food, buying organic can help reduce your potential exposure to the chemical.
A new EWG investigation finds for the first time troubling concentrations of the toxic agricultural chemical chlormequat in oat-based products sold in the U.S., including everyday brands marketed to adults and children. The chemical may be harmful to human health.

Chlormequat was discovered in all but one of 13 non-organic oat-based kinds of cereal, granola, and other products in EWG-commissioned tests conducted by an independent laboratory. Eleven products contained chlormequat levels higher than the amount we think is safe for children’s health, and one sample contained exactly that amount. 

What is Chlormequat

Chlormequat is a type of chemical that alters plant growth in a variety of ways. It’s applied to oat and grain crops while they’re growing to stop them from bending over since that can make harvesting difficult. 

Really:   I guess these farmers are not concerned with our health!

Studies of animals exposed to the chemical show it can disrupt fetal growth and harm the reproductive system. These harms raise concerns about how chlormequat might pose dangers for human health, especially for children, because exposures during early life can lead to health harm later on.

Chlorinequat is approved for agricultural commercial use on ornamental plants only – not on oats or any other food products grown in the U.S. But imported oats can have chlormequat residue in them, which is how they end up in the food we eat.

The Health Effects on Animals

EPA approval of especially high levels of chlormequat in imported oats raises alarm because of the studies showing the chemical’s connection to developmental and reproductive toxicity in animals and risks for humans.

Studies published in the past several years showed that exposure to chlormequat in laboratory animals disrupts fetal growth, changing the development of the head and bones and altering key metabolic processes. Other studies of laboratory animals found that chlormequat exposure during pregnancy could delay development during puberty and cause changes in sperm motility later in life. Another study found chlormequat could decrease the amount of testosterone produced.

The fact EWG are finding increasing amounts of chlormequat in U.S. food is further cause for concern, given its acute toxicity and severe poisoning AND death reportedly cause by chlormequat ingestion --eerily similar to the weedkiller Roundup!

An Alternative
As mentioned in the January post, the best cereal alternative and one you can trust to not have any harmful chemicals is: Young Living Einkorn Cereal 

Einkorn Flakes Cereal is the ideal way to fuel up for a busy day. It’s crafted with einkorn grain, which is an ancient whole grain that contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than modern hybridized wheat. With a delicious taste and 25 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of protein in every serving, Einkorn Flakes Cereal is a nutrient-dense breakfast the whole family will enjoy.


So why do I recommend Einkorn cereal?  Below are the reasons WHY  ……
  •         Great natural taste*
  •         25 grams of whole grains and 4 grams of protein in every serving* 
  •         Low in fat, with no trans-fat*
  •        Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain some type of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of heart disease, a disease associated with many factors *
  •         Contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than today’s wheat because of its unique genetic code 
  •          Einkorn grain does not contain the same protein structure that is found in other types of grain and may be a good alternative for those who are sensitive to modern grain

In Summary
So how does the cereal get “glyphosate” or "chlormequat" in the first place? Think about it!  
If the farmer uses an herbicide to control weeds on the ground or wants the wheat to stand at attention, then the wheat stock can absorb those chemicals. The company makes the cereal with contaminated wheat, with no regard for your health!
If you are willing to “Ditch and Switch” to a healthy cereal, try Young Livings Einkorn cereal.  Young Living also makes wheat spaghetti, wheat flour, and other wholesome products.  
If you would like to order the Einkorn cereal or other Einkorn products, visit my website below and set up an account to order:  

This is My Wheaties Now!

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I love cereal in the morning! 
Do you remember eating “Wheaties” for breakfast…or maybe even as a snack during your lifetime?   I sure did because Wheaties had sports figures on the front of the box and I figured if they ate it….so should I!  
Unfortunately, I did not turn into ANY of these athletes, but not from the lack of trying!
Those were the days when I did not care what Wheaties were made from or what was in them (a.k.a. ingredients).  All that mattered at the time was does it taste good and who was on the cover!
Fast forward many years and now I care what the ingredients are because they have an effect on my body systems more than they did in my early years.  I’m not talking about how much I weigh, but more about how my body reacts to the ingredients in the cereal…like alertness, digestion, and appetite…..stuff like that!
So, I started reading the labels on ALL of the cereal boxes, especially my beloved Wheaties, and I was floored by what they put in these products!   I asked myself, did “athletes” really eat this stuff?  I could not believe my eyes when I saw how much sugar, bioengineered wheat, and chemicals they used to make the cereal….just so it would taste good!   Those marketing people, I tell you!
This started my journey to find the healthiest cereal around….after all, I love cereal and it is 95% of what I start my day out with!   
Well, my journey ended when I was told by a friend about Young Living’s Einkorn Flakes Cereal.  In doing more research I found out that most, if not all cereals, use hybridized wheat (known as “bioengineered”).  This hybridized wheat is being used because it produces a bigger crop; therefore, they can produce more cereal!   Makes economic sense, but not health sense!
Einkorn wheat comes from the original ancient way of growing wheat.  Often called the “staff of life” grain is one of the oldest varieties of wheat known to man.  Prized for its compatibility with the human body, einkorn has retained its simple, primitive genetic code with only 14 chromosomes, compared to the modern-day hybridized wheat, which has 42 chromosomes.  
For you math majors that is 3 times more chromosomes than Einkorn…..that could not be good for you right!   Bringing together Einkorn and oats creates a great taste and crunch that your whole family will enjoy!  
What Young Living has done is be true to their "Seed to Seal" guarantee, even for food products!  Einkorn is perfect for those who appreciate and support traditional farming practices, non-GMO crops, and foods free from artificial flavors (those nasty chemicals I mentioned earlier), colors, and preservatives!
So just don’t take my word for it….let’s compare the ingredients of Wheaties and Einkorn….so you can see the difference!
Einkorn Ingredients*                                      Wheaties Ingredients*
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*Picture was taken from the box
Notice the Wheaties ingredients disclose the box contains “Bioengineered” food.  ----that’s the wheat folks!
If that was not convincing enough, let’s compare the Nutritional Facts!
Einkorn                                                           Wheaties
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Pretty close but notice the + 5grams of added sugar and -3 less grams of protein for Wheaties!
NOW can you tell why I ditched eating Wheaties and switched to Young Living’s Einkorn Cereals!
I finally found my go-to cereal and Young Living’s Einkorn Flakes are my “Wheaties” now!  I know what is in the ingredients, I know where the wheat comes from, and I believe in the farming practices that Young Living uses…..I have been to the farm!   No “bioengineered” foods for me!
If you are thinking about switching to the Einkorn cereal, even if it is not Wheaties, then visit my website: and become a member (it's free) and to discover how you can save 24% off of retail prices + free shipping too!   Or DM me, and I will help you through the process!
Finally, below is a picture of my breakfast this morning.   Einkorn Cereal, organic frozen berries, and Ningxia Red.    Ningxia Red is a powerhouse anti-occident by itself, but that is another story!