See How "Grandparents" Like You Can Build a Profitable Business From Home
Start building a legacy for your family to enjoy for generations!

My aim is to help people who are looking for more freedom, more health, and more finances so they can enjoy their retirement and feel good knowing they have set their kids up for success after they are gone.  If you want this too, you're in the right place!

I Grew Up In An Era...

and was taught by my parents to:
  • Get an education 
  • Get a good job
  • Work 40 hours a week for 50 weeks for 40 years
  • Build a nest egg and retire
So, I did just that, but had an uneasy feeling I may have to work far longer than 40 years  

You see I had a yearning to enjoy traveling with my wife and see the world, visit the grandkids whenever I want but I was tied to my corporate job….AND they required PERMISSION to take time off.  

I vividly remember when I wanted to go on a trip over 15 days and was denied.  That made me angry, unappreciated, and trapped in “Jail” without a key!  

There has got to be a better way!!

My daughter-in-law told me about an opportunity she discovered that provided a solution for her and her enthusiasm and excitement were through the roof!   I had to take a look!
Was this the key I had been looking for?
I looked into this opportunity and it was unbelievable, my mouth dropped, and I WAS HOOKED!
Dancing in my head were visions of
  • Time Freedom   
  • Financial Freedom
  • Traveling the world…..
My answer was:  Yes, YES, and Hell YES
I jumped on that train as fast as I could!    Now I have a Key and am excited to take this freedom journey!  I am willing to share my story with others so they can find their Key! 

I don't have to ask for permission anymore!

Are you looking for the Ultimate Guide to Natural Living?

Then download the Beginner's Guide to Natural Living with the Ditch & Switch printable now!

I grew my business from the ground up starting with no experience, no tools or processes for people to duplicate, and no customers.  I now have 200% growth over the past year and can teach you too.
Let’s Connect!
I'd love to hear your story!

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© Gary Rathbun