Who Am I - A Short Glimpse of Me
This blog is a sharp deviation from the “show and scares” articles I have done in the past.  Someone came to me the other day and asked who I was and what did I do.  That conversation led me to think: “Have I introduced myself to those that read my blog on my website or those that follow me on Instagram or Facebook”?
So, I decided to answer that question by letting YOU get to know me better.   Here it goes!

Quick Intro

I am an authentic old-school, laid-back family man, but don’t call me “Gramps” just yet, as I still am young at heart!

I love educating people, like yourself, on how to live a cleaner and healthier life using natural plant-based products…..at the same time earning an income from just sharing how they have had an impact on my life!  

If you were to meet me at the grocery or hardware store,  I most likely would have the grandkids with me, pushing around one of those hard-to-maneuver carts, and would greet you as if we were long-time buddies….firm handshake and all!     

My Family

My family consists of my beautiful bride of 45+ years, a daughter, and a son.  My daughter and son have two kids of their own, so my wife and I have four grandchildren ages ranging from 13 to 4.  One in preschool and one in middle school.   
A little bit of symmetry is in play also. In all cases, our kids and grandkids follow the same pattern….girl first and boy second!  So what that really means is that our family is done having kids with the girl & boy mix being satisfied!
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Random Facts About Me

  • First Concert:  The “Doobie Brothers” at the Bakersfield Raceway in California
  • Favorite Food:  BBQ Ribs
  • Favorite Pastime:  Going to any baseball game or reading a bedtime story with my youngest grandkids. 
  • Favorite Musical Group:  Blackberry Smoke 
  • Most Admired Person:  My Dad
  • Most Famous Person I Have Met:  
    1. Sports:  Brooks Robinson or Tim Duncan
    2. Network Marketing:  Eric Worre or Frazer Brooks
  • An interesting factoid:  My son and I received our Master's Degrees from the same university and walked across the graduation ceremony stage at the same time.

My Passions

My heritage is German and English, with a little Scottish thrown in, so my demeanor is calm and stoic…but I do have several passions that will get me talking for hours on end!  Here are some of them: 

  • My wife of 45+ years is my main passion and will always be my #1 priority!
  • Being with my family.  Having four grandkids keeps me on my toes and they challenge me all the time.   Their ages range from 13 to 4, so my challenges come from a wide range of  “life” conversations...from the  “Why” conversations, ballet recitals, baseball games, and playing with dinosaurs.   
  • Traveling in general!  My wife and I have visited over 35+ countries throughout the world and have been to over 30 states in the U.S.  My wife and I have taken over 16 cruises and look forward to many more in the future!
  • Collecting sports memorabilia.  Everything from baseballs, footballs, mini and full helmets, and a vast array of trading cards I started when I was a kid!   My wife rolls her eyes when I come home with another autographed baseball or football….but I roll my eyes when she comes home with another purse or shoes…..so there!
  • I love to teach or educate people on different topics…. whether about sports, traveling tips, or living a better natural life.  Challenge me on a topic and I will research the hell out of it!  Knowledge is king!

My Worries

These are just a few things that I worry about, for me, my kids, and my grandkids.  I’m curious if you have the same concerns I do.   They are not in any order of importance, and sometimes one or more of them keep me up at night.  Some, you might think, are questions vs. worries, but they are similar to me!
  • What kind of legacy will I have built for my kids and grandkids?
  • Will I have enough money saved to enjoy retirement?
  • What income will I have “after” I retire from my current corporate job?
  • How much traveling will we be able to do and where should we go next?
  • What can I do to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can?
 There are many others, but these are the main ones.  Do any of these resonate with you as well?   

Why I Started a Young Living Business

I love educating people, like yourself, on how to live a cleaner and healthier life using natural plant-based products…..at the same time earning an income from just sharing how they have had an impact on my life!  Back in my day (baby boomer generation) life was kind of planned out for most people...like the following train of thought:  
I grew up in an era….and was taught by my parents to:
  1. Get an education.
  2. Get a good job.
  3. Work 40 hours a week for 50 weeks and 40 years.
  4. Build a nest egg and retire.
So, I did just that but had an uneasy feeling I would have to work far longer than 40 years 
You see I had a yearning to enjoy traveling with my wife and see the world, and visit the grandkids whenever I want but I was tied to my corporate job….AND they required PERMISSION to take time off.  
I vividly remember when I wanted to go on a trip over 15 days and was denied.  That made me angry, unappreciated, and trapped in “Jail” without a key!  THERE HAS GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY!
My daughter-in-law told me about an opportunity she discovered that provided a solution for her and her enthusiasm and excitement were through the roof!   I had to look!
Was this the key I had been looking for?
I investigated this opportunity, and it was unbelievable, my mouth dropped, and I WAS HOOKED!
Dancing in my head were visions of:
  • Time Independence  
  • Financial Independence 
  • Traveling the world….continued
My Answer was:  Yes, YES, and Hell YES
I jumped on that Train as fast as I could!    Now I have a Key and am excited to take this wonderful journey!  I am willing to share my story with others so they can find their Key!  

That it....Just Me

Know you know a few things about me you may have not known before and realize I‘m just like you!   
Drop me a line if this resonates with you!



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