Ok, you may have heard about “probiotics” and possibly “pre-biotics”, but do you really know what they are and how they work?  Hopefully, this blog post will provide you with information on “which probiotic” is right for you!  The information within this blog is intended to inform you about:
  • What is a probiotic?
  • Why take probiotics?
  • Four things to consider when choosing a probiotic
  • What does Young Living have to offer?
 Let’s get into this topic, shall we!

What is a probiotic?

Probiotics are “friendly” bacteria that reside in the digestive tract and stimulate the increased production of white blood cells and beneficial proteins. A probiotic supplementation promotes healthy digestive function by binding to toxins in the intestines and decreasing their accessibility to the body!  Credit goes to Justin March, CEO of Arthur Andrew Medical for this information.
Probiotics have been around for centuries but lately have gained more in popularity.  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health, nearly 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from digestive diseases – making the need to understand how probiotics can improve gut health more important than ever.

Why Take a Probiotic?

Did you know the “gut” is considered your third brain…. next to your head and heart?  You must admit when your gut is not doing well, you aren’t either! 
A probiotic with powerful antioxidant and immune-stimulating properties should be taken regularly to boost the body’s defenses.  However, choosing the right one for you and your family will help maintain optimal gut health.

Four Things to Consider

The probiotic strain

The individual bacteria strain determines the health benefits you can expect from a probiotic.  Standard off-the-shelf probiotics, found in many grocery and discount stores, are freeze-dried bacteria often killed in stomach acid during digestion, leaving you without many benefits.
Probiotics that use a spore formula are much more resilient to destruction during digestion.  Spore probiotics are encased in protective spores and later sprout and germinate inside the body, giving long term benefits.  Think time release here!
Researching the specific health benefits of probiotic strains is important when choosing what probiotic is best for you!

The ingredients

Most people focus on the active ingredients of supplements and often overlook the “other ingredients, such as sugar, artificial flavors, colors, and hard-to-pronounce ingredients!  It’s these “other” ingredients Young Living AVOIDS! Knowing how the active ingredients will influence health is imperative, but it’s also important to understand HOW the supplement’s other substances may affect you!
Look for supplements that contain natural additives, flavors, and colors.  AVOID supplements that contain sucrose, maltodextrin, gelatin, silicon dioxide, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, and artificial colors/flavoring.   These are ‘red flag” substances that are not disclosed where they came from or how they were made…in other words “synthetically made”.  You don’t know what they used and how they created them synthetically. 
So why not avoid them altogether and go natural?

Storage Recommendations

When stored properly, you’ll get the maximum health benefits from a probiotic.  Some probiotics can only survive a few years on the shelf and MUST be refrigerated to prevent spoiling 
Probiotics formulated with high-quality spore form and live bacteria can survive indefinitely!  Using spore-based probiotics does not require refrigeration and will last longer.  
Whichever product you choose, be sure you are following the label instructions provided.    

Reputation and Credibility of the Brand

Purchase probiotics from a reputable brand (YOUNG LIVING plug) product backed by science, statistics, and industry standards.  Before choosing a product, find out what clinical studies helped determine the ingredients for formula supplements.  
Personally, I trust and use ONLY Young Living products…. especially if I am ingesting the product.  Young Living is fully transparent on what ingredients they use, the testing performed, and attests to the probiotic's quality.  You can even visit one of their farms and ask questions.  No other company that offers essential oil products does that!


Young Living offers TWO probiotic products.  "Life9" for adults and "MightyPro" for kids.  From the Young Living website: 


Life 9® is a highly potent probiotic with 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains to support healthy immune function, maintain optimal metabolism, and promote normal intestinal function.
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 KidScents® MightyPro™ is a great-tasting blend of prebiotics and probiotics featuring over 8 billion active, live cultures specially formulated to support gastrointestinal, digestive, and immune health in children.
Personal note:  Our four grandkids love the taste of MightyPro!  Remember “Pixie Stix”?  They ask us for a packet every morning instead of us trying to force them to take it!  Adults can consume MightyPro as they are packaged in individual packets that you can carry in your purse or bag when traveling!  Convenient Huh!


Daily probiotics will benefit your health by supporting digestion and your digestive system.  Educating yourself on the types of probiotics available and which is best for your health is key.  Purchasing probiotics from Young Livings should erase any doubts you may have about quality as they stand by their “Seed to Seal” guarantee and have a proven safety record.
If you would like to order one or both products, visit my website:  Here 
There you can learn how to set up your free account, save 24% off of retail prices, and earn valuable points to get free products by using their “loyalty program”!
In addition, you could also become a “Brand Partner” which can build your own business and start a “side hustle” with Young Living.  
I hope this information was valuable to you and encourages you to join my education center so you will automatically receive these blogs and my monthly newsletter in your email box!   Just click on the “Education Center Link " navigation bar on my website to join….it’s FREE!


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