Liquid Life - Hydration & Electrolyte Needs
Everyone needs water! Nearly all the body’s major systems depend on it to function and survive.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), maintaining the proper hydration helps
  • remove waste from the body
  • control body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure
  • support a healthy metabolism
  • protect the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, and lubricate joints
Water does all that……YES!
However, research shows that most of us are not hydrating enough.  An adequate daily fluid intake is about:
  • 15.5 cups a day for men
  • 11.5 cups a day for women
A recent CDC study found that U.S. adults only drank an average of 5.5 cups of water and children/adolescents 2.9 cups on a given day.  “People tend to be underhydrated, meaning they aren’t getting adequate amounts of water to be in an optimal state of hydration and health,” says Starvos Kavours, Arizona State professor of the school's Hydration Science Lab.

Dangers of dehydration

Symptoms of dehydration include confusion, muscle fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, headaches, cramping, anxiousness, increased thirst, and decreased or darken urine output.  “if you get too far behind on your fluids, your blood pressure can go too low, and in extreme cases, heatstroke can occur says Dr. Mitchell Rosner, Nephrologist at the University of Virginia.  
Anyone can become dehydrated, but certain people are at greater risk:
  • Infants and children
  • Elderly
  • Those with chronic illnesses
  • People that work or exercise outside, particularly in hot environments

Drink up

Rosner says listening to your body is the safest way to know when to hydrate.  The body has an intake thirst mechanism.  We want people to keep a sense of how much fluid they are losing and drink to thirst.
Have you ever watched athletes train or compete….they ALWAYS have water or fluid handy!  To them, hydration is the #1 concern!

Hydration Options

When you’re thirsty, “water should be your first choice,” Rosner says.  Then people can have their own flavor choices that are palatable”.  Alternatives to plain water include hydration powders, bottled sports drinks, infused water, sparkling water, coconut water, cucumber juice, herbal teas, and aloe water or aloe vera juice.
Fluids with electrolytes can be an effective way to rehydrate and refuel the body.  This is my recommended method!

Energy and Sports Drinks

I don’t know about you but sometimes just drinking plain water doesn’t enthuse me.   I LIKE FLAVOR!  However, I DO NOT consume any Sports or Energy Drinks because of the toxic ingredients they contain and the harm they can cause.
For example:
  • Frequently, energy drinks contain stimulants such as caffeine, which is not found in sports drinks.  Caffeine raises blood pressure and heart rate.  If you consume more than 400 mg of caffeine in a day you could experience side effects such as heart palpitations, nausea, headaches, sleeplessness, and jitters.  NO THANKS!
  • Energy drinks use artificial sweeteners such as Ace-k, Sucralose, Aspartame, and alcohol sugars to cover the bad taste of the other ingredients.  These artificial sweeteners come say caused increased risk of cancer.    NO THANKS!
  • Other not so healthy ingredients are:
    • Creatine – can cause kidney problems
    • Ginseng – can cause headaches and diarrhea
    • Synthetic Taurine – even though the body naturally produces Taurine, companies add synthetic taurine.  Synthetic is always a “red flag” as the company does not have to disclose how they made it!

My Personal Favorite Hydration Tip

So, I don’t want to risk putting dangerous ingredients in my water, so I exclusively use Young Livings Vitality drops.    BUT I WANT FLAVOR!
YL Vitality Drops feature Lavender and Lemon essential oils and natural electrolytes for an extra hydration boost.
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YL Vitality Drops feature Grapefruit and Bergamot premium essential oils and natural electrolytes for an extra hydration boost when added to water.
 The Bottom Line
Staying hydrated is important.  Make life easier on yourself by carrying a water bottle and keep it filled.  Adding flavor such as the YL Vitality drops can make it tastier and, in some instances, even more hydrating.  Personally, I doubled my daily water intake because of the YL Vitality drops. 
If you would like to know how to order Young Living’s Vitality Drops, visit my website: or send me a message and I will walk you through the process!  I can also save you 24% of retail prices…..just ask how!


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