The Cold, Hard Truth About Frozen Meals: A Comedy of Toxic Chemicals

The Cold, Hard Truth About Frozen Meals: A Comedy of Toxic Chemicals
Welcome, folks, to a side-splitting adventure into the realm of frozen meals! As we delve into the hilarious world of preservatives, we'll take a closer look at the notorious villains lurking in your microwavable dinners. So brace yourselves for a laughter-inducing journey through the toxic chemicals known as TBHQ, BHA, and BHT, and their chaotic influences on your immune system, flu vaccines, and food allergies.

Be sure to have your bottle of "Digize" ready just in case!  These preservatives do a number on your Tummy!
1. TBHQ: A Tongue-Twister of Trouble
Let's start with TBHQ, also known as Tertiary Butylhydroquinone, or as we like to call it, the "Tummy-Bothering Hazard Quirk." Known for extending the shelf life of frozen delights like beef-based dinners, TBHQ can leave your immune system waving the white flag. This tricky preservative has been linked to allergic reactions that would make your head spin faster than your very own microwave.
2. BHA: Beefing Up the Food, Browning Your Immune System
Ah, BHA, short for Butylated Hydroxyanisole, or the "Balaclava for Health Attack." This clever chemical is commonly found in burgers, but it does more harm than create a juicy patty. BHA can wreak havoc on your immune system, leaving it weak and vulnerable. It's like having a flu vaccine that's sabotaged by a mischievous clown.
3. BHT: Burittos' Hidden Trouble-maker
Enter BHT, or Butylated Hydroxytoluene, as we like to call it, the "Bad Haircut Traveler." This cunning preservative loves to make appearances in burritos and countless other frozen delicacies. But beware! BHT can mess with your immune system in ways that would make food allergies take center stage. It's like a comedy of errors but with your health as the punchline.
Now that we've had a good laugh at the expense of these tricky preservatives, it's time to don our detective hats and protect ourselves from their shenanigans. Next time you're browsing the frozen aisle, be sure to wield your secret weapons: reading labels and choosing organic foods. By making informed choices, you can dodge the pranks these chemicals play and embrace a healthier, preservative-free lifestyle.
Disclaimer: Remember, folks, this blog post is meant to entertain and inform. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding your health and dietary choices.
So there you have it, dear readers! The comedic world of toxic chemicals in frozen meals, starring TBHQ, BHA, and BHT. Stay tuned for more rib-tickling adventures in the battle against harmful additives in our food. Stay healthy, stay positive, and keep those microwaves spinning!
Note:  Special callout to Chloe Beittel from the Environmental Working Group who provided the inspiration to post this information!

Adrenal Love: A Comical Guide to Boosting Your Energy

Adrenal Love: A Comical Guide to Boosting Your Energy

Hey there, adrenal aficionados! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of our adrenal system. And let me tell you, it's not just any average system—it's the superstar responsible for keeping us energized and ready to take on the world (or at least our daily dose of reality TV).

Understanding the Adrenal System:
Before we start nerding out about supplements, let's quickly understand what the adrenal system is all about. Picture it as your personal backup battery pack, supporting your body's response to stress, regulating hormones, and keeping us feeling like we can conquer Mount Everest without breaking a sweat (well, maybe just a little).

Why a Healthy Adrenal System is Imperative:
Now, let me paint you a glamourous picture of what happens when our adrenal system goes haywire. Ever experienced that caffeine-induced rollercoaster ride where you crash harder than a meteor hitting the ground? Yep, that's what happens when our adrenals aren't feeling the love. Maintaining a healthy adrenal system is like having a secret stash of superpowers that keep you going, Superman-style.

Essentials for Adrenal Love:

1. Nutmeg: Cue the aroma of freshly baked goods wafting through your kitchen. This spicy essential oil has been known to support healthy adrenal glands. Just a whiff, and you'll be ready to take on a marathon (or at least pretend you could).

2. Super B: This superhero supplement is jam-packed with a blend of all eight essential B-vitamins, helping to maintain your energy levels and support a balanced mood. It’s like a shot of espresso for your adrenals, minus the jitters.

3. Mineral Essence: Imagine a delicious elixir that replenishes your body with vital minerals. Well, that's the magic of Mineral Essence. It contains essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, and selenium, which your adrenals will gladly embrace for the ultimate love fest.

4. En-R-Gee: Your go-to energy booster when the afternoon slump kicks in. This invigorating blend of essential oils will have you shaking off tiredness and embracing life like a Duracell bunny.

The Make a Shift Daily Wellness Kit:
If you really want to kick-start your adrenal love journey, you'll love the Make a Shift Daily Wellness Kit. This powerful combo includes Ningxia Red, a delightful antioxidant-rich drink, NingXia Nitro for a quick pick-me-up, and the invigorating citrus scents of orange and lime essential oils. Say hello to energized mornings and good vibes all day long!

Conclusion and Call to Action:
So there you have it, folks—a comical guide to charge up your adrenal system. If your adrenals are desperate for some love and attention, it's time to embark on this aromatic adventure! 

Join the Young Living family, and you'll not only enjoy a delightful 24% off on retail prices but also gain access to our exclusive education center at 

Oh, and did I mention that by joining, you'll receive a fabulous free gift? It's time to take charge of your health and let those adrenals feel the love they truly deserve!

P.S. Don't forget to take our health quiz at because who doesn't love a little dose of self-discovery wrapped in humor? Cheers to adrenal love and magnificent energy levels!

Discover the Magic of Loyalty: Unlock the Benefits with Young Living!

Discover the Magic of Loyalty: Unlock the Benefits with Young Living!
Discover the enchanting world of Young Living through their loyalty orders, where you can experience the magic of receiving pure, enchanting essential oils, skincare treasures, and wellness goodies every month. Not only do these orders bring joy like Christmas morning, but they also come with incredible benefits. By subscribing to loyalty orders, you unlock exclusive discounts, earn product credits, and become part of a supportive community of kindred spirits.

With Young Living's loyalty orders, you can turn your hard-earned money into even more abundance as you indulge in their all-natural products. Pamper your skin with their bewitching skincare line, and gain exclusive access to wellness wizards who will guide you on your enchanted wellness journey. Embrace loyalty orders with Young Living and allow the magic to unfold in your life, earning loyalty points with each monthly order for free goodies in the future.

Take a one-way ticket into a world filled with enchanting aromas, radiant skin, and transformative wellness with Young Living. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to step into the realm of Young Living and experience a life of pure joy and vitality. Trust us, you won't want to look back!

Living Intentionally - 6 Steps to Gain Clarity and Purpose

Living Intentionally - 6 Steps to Gain Clarity and Purpose
Are you tired of living on autopilot and constantly feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of everyday life? It's time to start living intentionally and create a life filled with clarity and purpose. Imagine waking up every morning with a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and knowing exactly how to make it happen. 

Here are six key steps to help you live intentionally:

1. Create Space: Clear the clutter in your life, both physically and mentally. Decluttering your physical environment can bring a sense of calm and clarity. Make room for the things that truly matter by letting go of things that no longer serve you.

2. Identify What Matters: Take the time to identify what truly matters to you and make a commitment to pursue those things. When you focus on what you love and are passionate about, life becomes more fulfilling and purpose-driven.

3. Do One Thing at a Time: Multitasking may seem like the key to getting things done, but it often leads to distraction and lack of focus. Instead, immerse yourself in one task at a time. Give it your full attention and watch your productivity soar.

4. Eat Well: Our diet has a significant impact on our mental clarity and overall well-being. Remove stimulating substances like caffeine and sugar that you think you need to function. Opt for nourishing foods that provide sustained energy and support your mind and body.  Think NingXia Red here as a delicious way to power your day!  NingXia Red is packed with powerful antioxidants to promote healthy energy levels and reduce daily stress. 

5. Get Quiet: Take time each day to quiet your mind, and remove mental chatter, and internal distractions. Practice meditation, mindfulness, or any other activity that helps you find inner peace and clarity.  Diffuse "Clarity" to help you focus as this blend features 12 essential oils for an aroma that promotes feelings of stability, focus, and a sense of productivity for the spirit and mind.  

6. Write to Get Clear: Writing down your thoughts and goals can bring immense clarity. Take a few minutes each day to journal and reflect on what is clear in your life and what still needs clarification.

Ready to start living intentionally? 

For more inspiration and guidance, sign up for free access to my blogs and monthly communications @ While you're there, take the health quiz to understand how you can optimize your well-being and live an intentional life.  As a bonus for joining, I will send you a "Health & Vitality" guide automatically to your email box.  

Remember, living intentionally requires clarity and the courage to imagine a life with less confusion and doubt. Start taking small steps today and watch your life transform before your eyes.

Now go out and Live Intentionally!

S "Candle" Ous Pumpkin Spice Surprise-Toxic Chemicals lurking in "Fragrance"

S "Candle" Ous  Pumpkin Spice Surprise-Toxic Chemicals lurking in "Fragrance"
Step into the cozy embrace of autumn, where vibrant leaves dance whimsically in the crisp air and the aroma of pumpkin spice caresses your senses. But wait, dear reader, before you dive headfirst into the pumpkin-scented paradise, there's something sinister lurking beneath the surface. Yes, I'm talking about those toxic chemicals hiding behind the seemingly innocent label of "fragrance."
In this captivating blog post, we'll unravel the mystery of what truly lies behind the enchanting scent of pumpkin spice. Brace yourself for a flurry of surprises as we explore the shadowy realms of hidden toxins and their potential impact on your well-being. But fear not, for there is a secret weapon awaiting you. Young Living essential oils hold the keys to unlocking a toxin-free world of aromatic bliss, where the scent of pumpkin spice ignites joy without compromising your health. Prepare yourself for a pumpkin spice surprise like no other, as we unveil the transformative power of Young Living essential oils. Join us on this aromatic adventure and discover a whole new way to indulge in fall's favorite fragrance.

Starbucks Made Me Do It!

Starbucks introduced its autumn drink Pumpkin Spice Latte a few days earlier this year than last. Once that happens, we know we’re in peak pumpkin spice season. 
That coffee drink’s success has spawned a host of other popular pumpkin spice products. One survey says Americans spend $500 million on pumpkin spice-scented or -flavored products every year.
In fact, it’s hard to get through the fall without running across a slew of pumpkin spice consumer products. Pumpkin spice is so popular because it triggers our associations with fall – holidays, family, and leaves changing color. 
The problem with pumpkin spice products is often the same as with other scented and flavored consumer products, including cleaners, cosmetics, food, and more: They contain little – or none – of the substance they smell or taste like.   

Question:  Do you use "Candles" to give your house the "Pumpkin Spice Smell"?  Continue reading.....

Pumpkin spice chemicals

So where does that delicious scent really come from?  Chances are the “pumpkin spice” derives from a mix of dozens or hundreds of artificial and synthetic chemicals known as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs.

This class of chemicals includes terpenes and terpenoids like limonene, cinnamal, and vanillin, among others. Others may be found as contaminants.  Many foods and consumer products are flavored or scented with pumpkin spice. Some of the most common pumpkin spice-scented products may be items used to “clean” the air, including air fresheners, diffusers, plug-ins, air sanitizing spray, scented candles, and mists.

What’s the cause of that scent? 

VOCs may hide on product labels under the word “fragrance,” or “parfum,” which are usually made up of a proprietary mix of chemicals numbering sometimes in the thousands. *One study found that 134 household products with fragrances emitted potentially harmful and cancer-causing compounds. The study included 12 air fresheners.

But manufacturers aren’t required to disclose the full list of ingredients in fragrance. So it’s anybody’s guess what’s in it, and it often contains allergenic and hazardous chemicals, including some VOCs. 
Flavors are used in foods but also in personal care products like lip balm and mouthwash. Fragrance can be found in other products, like perfumes and body sprays; hair styling products; all-purpose cleaners; disinfectants; and laundry detergents. 

*Source:  Environment Working Group

Causing Health Problems 

Even if you can’t smell them, VOCs can cause a range of health concerns.  Problems associated with VOC exposure include eye, nose, and throat irritation and headaches, nausea and vomiting, a loss of coordination, and even damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Symptoms are worse for people with longer exposures, such as those whose work puts them in frequent or long contact with the chemicals.

How to Protect Yourself

The federal government needs to do more to protect consumers from the potential health risks of fragrance.  In the meantime, if you’re concerned about respiratory health and indoor VOC pollution, here are a few steps you can take.
- Research whenever possible. Many products used to scent the air aren’t required to disclose their ingredients, but you may be able to find information on brand or retailer websites.
- Keep your house clean. Rather than cover up bad smells, do the cleaning needed to get rid of them.
- Open windows. Indoor air is much more polluted than outdoor air. Bringing the outdoors in can help improve air quality. 

The Secret Weapon!

At the beginning of this blog, I teased about a secret weapon to make my house smell like pumpkin spice without using any "fragrances" that could contain toxins.  This secret weapon is four Young Living essential oils in a water diffuser.   Thats it!

Pumpkin Spice diffuser blend: This blend is anything but basic. Cinnamon Bark, Bergamot, Cardamom, and Nutmeg work their aromatic magic, filling your home with the nostalgic scent of Granny’s famous pumpkin pie.

How do I get my house smelling like Pumpkin Spice, with toxic ingredients?

Well, first of all, ditch the candles and switch to Young Living essential oils and products.

If you are already a Young Living member, add these four essential oils mentioned above to your order...and if you need a diffuser....there are many to choose from!

If not, then by becoming a Young Living member through, you can not only access high-quality, pure essential oils and diffusers but also earn points towards free products and potentially enjoy a 24% discount on retail prices.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog article about the hidden toxic chemicals in fragrance. I believe in the power of natural alternatives, which is why I recommend Young Living essential oils as a safer option for your home and personal care products.  Take control of your health and join the Young Living community today!

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